NOTE : Beginning March 7th, 2023, masks are optional.
You the client have the right to ask your clinician to wear a mask if you feel more comfortable. Please let the clinician or the front staff know if this is your preference.
Each professional college also allows practitioners to choose if they require masks during their treatments, as they are in close proximity to patients. Please respect their choice.
As a courtesy to everyone within the office space, clients and practitioners, if you are not feeling well we ask that you please stay home, we are happy to reschedule your appointment for you. We want all of our clients and staff to remain happy and healthy.
If you are at the tail end of your cold or sickness please choose to wear a mask so that others around you do not end up unwell.
Please also ensure if this is your first visit or a new injury that you complete all paperwork before attending your appointment.
We will be following the guidelines set out by the BCCDC, WorkSafe BC, all Provincial Colleges and the RDCK.
When we book your appointment, you will get details of what to expect at the clinic but the following steps are in place:
1. The clinic is fully open to the public, you are welcome to come up to the office anytime before your appointment.
2. Increased time between appointments to prevent overlap of patients and allow for thorough sanitizing of the rooms and equipment;
3. Use of appropriate personal protective equipment (PPE) where applicable;
4. We have changed the working location of reception staff to cover the 6ft social distancing.
5. We will ensure that any patients or staff with signs or symptoms of being sick stay at home.